Safeguarding Statement
BEST believe that safeguarding is key to providing an excellent mentoring service. We have an experienced safeguarding team, who understand the importance of providing a safe environment for the children and young people we work with.
BEST Designated Safeguarding Lead – Laura Frankham-Gething
BEST Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – Craig Hiscock
BEST Trustee Safeguarding Lead – Kris Deering
All staff at BEST are Safeguarding and Prevent trained. If you experience something that puts you or another at risk, or you just want to ask advice, you can contact our safeguarding team on safeguarding@bestrust.co.uk, or alternatively call us on 01793 200124.
If you have immediate concerns about a young person at risk, please call 999
Our full safeguarding policy is available on request
If your concerns relate to a young person over the age of 18 please contact Swindon Borough Council Adult Safeguarding Team here